The following special trains will be run between Mettupalayam and Coonoor to clear the extra rush of passengers.
T.No.06135 Mettupalayam – Coonoor Special will leave Mettupalayam at09.00 hrs. on Saturdays and Sundays from 21.4.2012 to 10.6.2012 and arrive Coonoor at 12.20 hrs. the same day. T.No.06136 Coonoor – Mettupalayam Special will leave Coonoor at 13.30 hrs. on Saturdays and Sundays from 21.4.2012 to 10.6.2012 and arrive Mettupalayam at 15.50 hrs. the same day.The composition of the trains will be1 First Class Sitting, 1 Second Class Sitting/General Second Class and 1 luggage-cum-brake van coaches.