Central Railway has always been persistent in curbing ticketless / unauthorised travel through its massive checking drives. During the month of January 2013 a total of 1.13 lakh cases of ticketless / irregular travel including unbooked luggage have been detected in these drives, as against 1.03 lakh cases detected in January 2012, showing an increase of 9.71 %. The amount realised from these cases in January 2013 is Rs. 4.84 crore as against Rs. 4.10 crore during the corresponding period last year, thus showing an increase of 18.05 %.
A total of 14.43 lakh cases were detected in the current financial year from April 2012 to January 2013 as against 11.58 lakh cases detected in the corresponding period of previous financial year. The Amount realised from these cases during the current period i.e. from April 2012 to January 2013 is Rs. 63.78 crore as against Rs. 49.98 crore during corresponding period last year, thus showing an increase of 27.61 %.
In addition to above, 52 cases of transfer of reserved tickets were also detected in the month of January 2013 and an amount of Rs 0.41 lakh realised besides confiscation of tickets worth Rs.0.26 lakh.
Central Railway appeals to the passengers to travel with proper and valid tickets in order to avoid inconvenience.