Railways have announced earlier regarding short termination of trains arriving Gorakhpur at Deoriya Sadar/ Basti/ Mau between 30.9.2013 to 5.10.2013 on Temporary Basis due to Pre Non-interlocking and Non-interlocking work in connection with Gorakhpur Yard remodelling on Northeast Railway.
In partial modification to announcement made earlier regarding Train No. 11015 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus – Gorakhpur Express leaving LTT from 2.10.2013 to 5.10.2013 will be terminated at Basti instead of Gorakhpur should be read as under –
“Train No. 11015 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus – Gorakhpur Express leaving LTT from 1.10.2013 to 4.10.2013 will be terminated at Basti instead of Gorakhpur.”
Passengers are requested to kindly note the above changes.
Railways have announced earlier regarding short termination of trains arriving Gorakhpur at Deoriya Sadar/ Basti/ Mau between 30.9.2013 to 5.10.2013 on Temporary Basis due to Pre Non-interlocking and Non-interlocking work in connection with Gorakhpur Yard remodelling on Northeast Railway.
In partial modification to announcement made earlier regarding Train No. 11015 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus – Gorakhpur Express leaving LTT from 2.10.2013 to 5.10.2013 will be terminated at Basti instead of Gorakhpur should be read as under –
“Train No. 11015 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus – Gorakhpur Express leaving LTT from 1.10.2013 to 4.10.2013 will be terminated at Basti instead of Gorakhpur.”
Passengers are requested to kindly note the above changes.