02837 Santragachhi-Puri special train will leave Santragachhi at 1900hrs on every Friday between 4th October to 29thNovember 2013 and will arrive at Puri at 0415hrs on the following day. In the return direction, 02838 Puri-Santragachhi special train will leave Puri at 1820hrs on every Saturday between 5th October to 30th November 2013 and will arrive at Santragachhi at 0310hrs on the next day.
This special train has one AC-2 tier, three AC-3 tiers, Eleven Sleeper Classes and Two Guard cum Luggage Vans in its composition having stoppages at Kharagpur, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Khurda Road between Santragachhi and Puri.
This special train has one AC-2 tier, three AC-3 tiers, Eleven Sleeper Classes and Two Guard cum Luggage Vans in its composition having stoppages at Kharagpur, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Khurda Road between Santragachhi and Puri.