Changes in Dates of Service & Train Number of Double Decker Special Trains announced between Kacheguda and Guntur
SCR has announced running of Six Double Decker special trains between Kacheguda and Guntur via Kazipet today i.e., 4th January, 2016 vide SCR PR No. 718 issued earlier in the day.
In a revision of the same, there is a change in the dates of service of the trains Ex.Guntur to Kacheguda as given below, which may be noted.
1. Train No. 02121 Guntur – Kacheguda Double Decker Special Train will depart Guntur at 23:00 hrs on 16th & 18th January, 2016 (instead of 17th & 19th Jan, 2016 as announced earlier today vide SCR PR No. 718), arrive/depart Vijayawada at 23:50/23:55 hrs and arrive Kacheguda at 05:25 hrs on the next day.
2. Train No. 02722 (instead of 02123) Guntur - Kacheguda Double Decker Special Train will depart Guntur at 23:00 hrs on 17th January, 2016 (instead of 18th Jan, 2016 as announced earlier today vide SCR PR No. 718), arrive/depart Vijayawada at 23:50/23:55 hrs and arrive Kacheguda at 05:25 hrs on the next day.
3. The Train No for Kacheguda - Guntur Double Decker Express Train to run on 17th January, 2016 is revised as Train No. 02721 (instead of 02124 as announced earlier today vide SCR PR No. 718).
Cancellation of Trains:-
Train No. 22118/22117 Kacheguda - Guntur - Kacheguda Double Decker Express Train will be cancelled on 19th January, 2016.