The following Double Decker trains between Kacheguda-Guntur and Kacheguda-Tirupati are cancelled temporarily on the given dates due to operational reasons:
1)Tr. No. 22118 Kacheguda- Guntur AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 8th, 12th and 15thJanuary, 2016.
2)Tr. No. 22117 Guntur - Kacheguda AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 8th, 12th and 15thJanuary, 2016.
3)Tr. No. 22120 Kacheguda- Tirupati AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 9th, 13th and 16thJanuary, 2016.
4)Tr. No. 22119 Tirupati- Kacheguda AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 10th, 14th and 17thJanuary, 2016.
1)Tr. No. 22118 Kacheguda- Guntur AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 8th, 12th and 15thJanuary, 2016.
2)Tr. No. 22117 Guntur - Kacheguda AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 8th, 12th and 15thJanuary, 2016.
3)Tr. No. 22120 Kacheguda- Tirupati AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 9th, 13th and 16thJanuary, 2016.
4)Tr. No. 22119 Tirupati- Kacheguda AC Double Decker Express is cancelled on 10th, 14th and 17thJanuary, 2016.