12 October 2016

Special Trains between Tirupati and Nanded

Train No 07608 Tirupati-H.S.Nanded Special Train will depart Tirupati at 15.45 hrs o­n 19th, 26th October, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th November, 2016 and arrive H.S.Nanded at 11.30 hrs o­n the next day.

In the return direction, Train No 07607 H.S.Nanded- Tirupati Special Train will depart H.S.Nandedat 18.45 hrs o­n 18th, 25th October, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th November, 2016 and arrive Tirupati at 14.00 hrs o­n the next day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at Renigunta, Sri Kalahasti, Gudur, Nellore, o­ngole, Tenali, Vijaywada, Khammam, Warangal, Kazipet, Secunderabad, Malkajgiri, Kamareddi, Nizamabad, Basar, Dharmabad and Mudkhed stations.

The special train will consist of 12 coaches viz., o­ne AC II Tier, o­ne AC III Tier, five Sleeper Class, two General Second Class and two Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.