2 March 2017

Holi Special Trains between Secunderabad and Patna

Train No. 02791 Secunderabad-Patna Special train will depart Secunderabad at 08:35 hrs o­n 10thMarch, 2017 (Friday) and arrive Patna at 17:10 hrs o­n the next day.
          In the return direction, Train No. 02792 Patna-Secunderabad Special train will depart Patna at 13:30 hrs o­n 12thMarch, 2017 (Sunday) and arrive Secunderabad at 20:30 hrs o­n the next day.
Enroute, these special trains will stop at Kazipet, Ramagundam, Mancherial, Balharshah, Nagpur, Itarsi, Jabalpur, Satna, Manikpur, Cheoki, Mughalsarai, Buxar, Ara and Danapur stations in both the directions.
           This train will comprise of 18 coaches viz., o­ne AC II Tier, two AC III Tier, eight Sleeper Class, three General Second Class and two Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.