23 March 2017

Minister of Railways Releases New Water Management Policy GreenCo Certificates developed by CII Given to Three Units of Indian Railways viz. Diesel Locomotive Works (Varanasi), Perambur Carriage Works (Chennai), Lalaguda Carriage Workshop (Hyderabad)

Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu released New Water Management Policy in Indian Railways and handed over GreenCo Certificates to Diesel Locomotive Works (Varanasi),  Perambur Carriage Workshop (Chennai), Lalaguda Carriage Workshop (Hyderabad). The certificate developed by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is given for adopting good green practices. Shri Suresh Prabhu also inaugurated expansion of VIKALP scheme into other sectors. Chairman, Railway Board, Shri A. K. Mital, Member Traffic Shri Mohd Jamshed, Member Engineering Shri AK Mittal, Member Rolling Stock Shri Ravindra Gupta, Member Staff Shri Pradeep Kumar and other Railway Board Members and senior officials were also be present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion,, Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu said that World Water Day should not be celebrated only once in a year. There is no point celebrating only once rather steps should be taken daily to make this World Water Day more meaningful. In Railways, there is large area of land in its jurisdiction, by virtue of it, large number of water bodies lies in its jurisdiction. Railways has taken steps to restore water bodies in each zone of Indian Railways and revived them. One such 200 years old water body was restored in South Central Railways. In this water policy, water audits, restoration of water bodies and recycling of water will be ensured. Indian Railways Water Policy is not one day affair, it is our commitment for all time. Target has been set for plantation. 5 Crores saplings are to be planted in 3 years. 1.25 Crore saplings are targeted for this year. Environment Directorate has been set up in the Railway Board. A mission of Rs. 41000 Crore for saving in energy bill has been set. 1000 MW target of solar energy production has been set out of which 500 MW will be through Rooftops and 500 MW on land. Railways has been committed for environment. Railways is working with UNEP to achieve this. Science Express has been started for awareness about Climate Change and other Environmental issues.

He also said that Railways is being reformed, and there is a clear road map. Our efforts are targeted towards ensuring confirmed tickets for all, safety of the passengers, zero accidents, speed enhancement of trains and reach of Railways in far off regions in our country. Railways have sanctioned 12,500 Kms doubling, tripling. It is to be noted that 60% of the traffic is concentrated in 16% of Indian Railways network. To achieve the targets set for 2020, Railways have fastened the commissioning of doubling, tripling. To make the passenger experience better LHB Coaches have been introduced. Speed enhancement is Railways’ priority on trunk routes like Delhi- Mumbai, Delhi- Howrah. Under the VIKALP Scheme, passengers will be immensely benefited. It is a transparent scheme in which the passengers will be provided confirmed reservation in alternate trains without giving extra fare or any refund provided for the difference of fare. This will ease the problems of passengers.

Water Policy on Indian Railways
Indian Railways, the lifeline of the country, carrying 23 million passengers every day is the largest passenger carrying system in the world.  It is also the single largest consumer of natural resources, at the same time also a major contributor to green environment due to reduced GHG emissions. Indian Railways had been taking a number of steps to become further environment friendly.

Indian Railways have now finalized a water management policy which covers all aspects of water use, recycling, conservation and recharge of groundwater. This is a progressive and creative policy where field units will be motivated to recycle and save water. The objective is to improve water use efficiency by setting up water Recycling Plants, Rain Water Harvesting Plants, Sewage Treatment Plants and effluent treatment plants on Railway Land.  Another forward looking provision is participation of private players for recycling water for non-potable usage on BOOT basis.

GreenCo Certificates to Railway Workshops
GreenCo Rating System, developed by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is the first of its kind framework in the world, aimed at catalyzing green practices in Indian industry. The objective is to define and assess “How Green is a company” and facilitate the way forward for further improvement and promote world class competitiveness through Green strategies. The framework adopts life-cycle approach while evaluating the activities of a unit/facility on green front.

Diesel Locomotive Works (GreenCo Silver), Varanasi and Perambur Carriage Workshop (GreenCo Bronze), Chennai have been certified by CII GBC as identified in the MOU.  In addition Lallaguda Carriage Workshop (GreenCo Silver), Hyderabad have credibly achieved certification on their own.