24 May 2017

Renaming of 11003/11004 Rajyarani Express as Tutari Express

Trains in India are not just transport medium, but the heart and soul of India. As a tributes to Keshavsut the pioneer of modern Marathi poetry and for his contribution in Marathi literature & the spirit of the Nation, Hon’ble Railway Minister Shri Suresh Prabhu has decided to re-name the train no. 11003/11004 Dadar-Sawantwadi-Dadar RajyaRani Express as “Tutari Express” on his revolutionary poem “Tutari”

Tutari is a famous poem in Marathi by Keshavsut. In this poem, Keshavsut calls to fight for independence. It was written during the British rule in India. The poem inspired many Indians to fight to overthrow the British occupation. The poem is deeply inspirational and can be read as a clarion call to action against all forms of injustice.

Krishnaji Keshav Damle was a Marathi poet from Maharashtra, India, (October 7,1866 – November 7,1905) and wrote poetry under the pen name Keshavsut

The man who brought about a revolutionary change in Marathi poetry, who ably expressed the call of the new age through his poetry and who has been honoured as the creator of ‘Modern Marathi poetry’ was Poet Keshavasut or Krishnaji Keshav Damle. He wrote his poetry during the period spanning from 1885 to 1905. Keshavasut gave a fresh and contemporary bond to Marathi poems which for centuries was shackled in mythological and historical themes.Therefore, the poets who followed him humbly compared their creations and poetry to barely touching the lowest rung of his ladder.

Poet Keshavasut was born on 7th October 1866 at Malgund in Ratnagiri district. He had his primary education in his native Konkan. He went to Vadodara, and Nagpur for his further education.

He reached the pinnacle of Marathi poetry with great resolve, single minded dedication and sensitivity with tenderness. He has a unique place in Marathi poetry. His poems have continued to inspire generations.

In the august presence of Hon’ble Railway Minister Shri Suresh Prabhu, the train no. 11003/11004 Dadar-Sawantwadi-Dadar RajyaRani Express has been re-named as “Tutari Express” in a function held at Kohinnor hall, Dadar on 22/05/2017 in commemoration of Poet Keshavasut.

During the function, selected poems of poet Keshavsut were recited by the prominent personalities of Marathi literature.