23 June 2017

4 Special Trains Between Hyderabad and Kochuveli via Guntur

Train No. 07115 Hyderabad-Kochuveli special train will depart Hyderabad at 21:00 hrs o­n 1st, 8th July, 2017 (Saturday), arrive/depart Secunderabad at 21:30/21:40 hrs and arrive Kochuveli at 03:20 hrs o­n Monday.

In the return direction, Train No. 07116 Kochuveli-Hyderabad special train will depart Kochuveli at 20:15 hrs o­n 3rd,10th July, 2017 (Monday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 02:45/02:55 hrs o­n Wednesday and arrive Hyderabad at 03:30 hrs.
Enroute these special trains will stop at Nalgonda, Piduguralla, Guntur, Tenali, o­ngole, Nellore, Gudur, Renigunta, Tirupati, Chittoor, Katpadi, Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Jolarpettai, Salem, Erode, Tiruppur, Coimbatore, Palghat, Ottapalem, Thrisur, Aluva, Ernakulam Town, Kottayam, Tiruvalla, Chengannur, Kayankulam and Kollam stations in both the directions.
These special trains consist of 18 coaches viz., Sixteen Sleeper Class and two Second Class Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.