To cope with the expected rush of passengers during ensuingEID-UL-FITRE festival, Eastern Railway will run 2 pairs ofSpecials for different directions viz. Howrah-Raxaul-AsansolSpecialand Howrah- NautanwaSpecial.
03043 Up Howrah-RaxualSpecialwill leave Howrah at 15.00 hrs. on 23.06.2017 and reach Raxaul at 10.00 hrs. the next day.03044 Dn Raxual-AsansolSpecialwill leave Raxual at 12.00 hrs. on 24.06.2017 and reach Asansol at 23.45 hrs. the same day.
03067 Up Howrah-NautanwaSpecialwill leave Howrah at 22.50 hrs. on 24.06.2017 and reach Nautanwa at 22.30 hrs. the next day.03068 Dn Nautanwa-HowrahSpecialwill leave Nautanwa at 23.45 hrs. on 25.06.2017 and reach Howrah at 20.15 hrs. the next day.
Howrah-Raxaul-Asansol special train will have General Second Class, Sleeper Class and Air-Conditioned coaches and Howrah- Nautanwa special train will have Sleeper Class and Air-Conditioned coaches.
03043 Up Howrah-RaxualSpecialwill leave Howrah at 15.00 hrs. on 23.06.2017 and reach Raxaul at 10.00 hrs. the next day.03044 Dn Raxual-AsansolSpecialwill leave Raxual at 12.00 hrs. on 24.06.2017 and reach Asansol at 23.45 hrs. the same day.
03067 Up Howrah-NautanwaSpecialwill leave Howrah at 22.50 hrs. on 24.06.2017 and reach Nautanwa at 22.30 hrs. the next day.03068 Dn Nautanwa-HowrahSpecialwill leave Nautanwa at 23.45 hrs. on 25.06.2017 and reach Howrah at 20.15 hrs. the next day.
Howrah-Raxaul-Asansol special train will have General Second Class, Sleeper Class and Air-Conditioned coaches and Howrah- Nautanwa special train will have Sleeper Class and Air-Conditioned coaches.