For the convenience of the travelling public, Railways have decided to incorporate downloaded e-Aadhaar as one of the prescribed proofs of identity at par with the printed Aadhaar Card in the list of prescribed proofs of identity which are valid for undertaking journey in any reserved class on Indian Railways.
There are 10 recognised documents which are accepted by Railways as proof of identity during the journey for the passengers. The prescribed proofs of identity are – (1) Voter Photo Identity Card issued by Election Commission of India, (2) Passport, (3) PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department, (4) Driving Licence issued by RTO, (5) Photo Identity Card having Serial No. issued by Central/State Government, (6) Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School/College for their students, (7) Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph, (8) Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph, (9) Printed Unique Identification Card “Aadhaar” or downloaded Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar), (10) Ration Card with photograph.