16 June 2017

Special trains between Santragachi-Puri-Santragachi during the period from 30.06.17 to 30.09.17

Special trains between Santragachi-Puri-Santragachi during the period from 30.06.17 to 30.09.17.

The Special Train (08404) leaving Santragachi every Saturday at 19:10 hrs will reach Puri at 04:00 hrs the next day. In the opposite direction, the Special Train (08403) will leave Puri every Fridayat 21:25 hrs and will arrive Santragachi at 06:45 hrs the next day.

The Special train will have o­ne AC-2 Tier, three AC 3 Tier, ten Sleeper Class and four General Second Class coaches. The train will have stoppages at Kharagpur, Balasore, Bhadrak, Jajpur Keonjhar Road, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Khurda Road between Santragachi and Puri.