21 June 2017

Special Trains between Santragachi-Puri-Shalimar from 25.06.2017 to 04.07.2017

South Eastern Railway has decided to run two pairs of Special Trains between Santragachi-Puri-Santragachi and o­ne pair of special train between Shalimar-Puri-Santragachi o­n different nominated days during the period from 25.06.2017 to 04.07.2017.

08007/08008 Santragachi-Puri-Santragachi  Special (2 Pairs) :

            This special train leaving Santragachi at 00.15 hrs. o­n 25.6.17 & 04.7.17 will reach Puri at 08.25 hrs,  the same day.  In the return direction, the special train departing  Puri at 23.35 hrs. o­n 25.6.17 & 04.7.17 will arrive Santragachi, the next day at 09.00 hrs.

The Special train will have eight AC 3 Tier and eight Sleeper Class coaches. The train will have stoppages at Kharagpur, Balasore, Bhadrak, Jajpur Keonjhar Road, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Khurda Road and Sakhi Gopal between Santragachi and Puri.

08801/08802 Shalimar-Puri-Santragachi Special (1 Pair) :

            This special train leaving Shalimar at 23.55 hrs. o­n 02.7.17 will reach Puri at 08.25 hrs, the next day.  In the return direction, the special train departing Puri at 23.35 hrs. o­n 03.7.17 will arrive Santragachi, the next day at 09.00 hrs.

The Special train will have eight general second Class coaches. The train will have stoppages at Kharagpur, Balasore, Bhadrak, Jajpur Keonjhar Road, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Khurda Road and Sakhi Gopal between Shalimar and Puri.