31 July 2017

Progress of Rail Project in Border Areas

Reconnaissance Engineering-cum-Traffic Survey for a new Broad Gauge (BG) line from Imphal (India) to Moreh (Mynmar) (111.25 km) was completed in 2014-15. As per survey, cost of the project was assessed as `5428.46 crore. Further, on invitation by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), M/s. Rail India Technical & Economic Services Ltd. (RITES), a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of Ministry of Railways, has submitted an offer to MEA for Detailed Project Report (DPR) for a new BG rail link between Moreh-Tamu-Kalay (110.15 km) in July, 2013 which was further revised in September, 2014. The portion Imphal to Moreh is in India and from Tamu to Kalay is in Myanmar. The project is not yet sanctioned.

Agartala-Akhaura new line project is 15.06 km out of which 5.05 km falls in India and 10.01 km falls in Bangladesh. Bangladesh portion is funded by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Indian Portion is being funded by Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER). An MoU has been signed between Government of India and Bangladesh. Presently, work on Indian portion has been entrusted to IRCON International Limited, a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of Ministry of Railways. IRCON has prepared revised estimate for Indian portion at a total cost of `580 crore with elevated corridor/viaduct of 3.31 km. Tender for earthwork and viaduct on Indian portion has been finalized.

So far as Bangladesh portion is concerned, Detailed Project Report has been submitted by IRCON to MEA for further approval of Government of Bangladesh. The project cost of Bangladesh portion is estimated at `350 crore.

(i) The estimated cost of Imphal to Moreh (111.25 km) proposed new BG line is assessed as `5428.46 crore, (ii) For Agartala-Akhaura (15.6 km) BG line project, cost for Indian portion (5.05 km) is `580 crore and Bangladesh portion is `350 crore, (iii) Estimated cost of Moreh to Kalay BG rail link will be available once the survey has been done.

Completion of projects depends on many factors such as land acquisition, forestry and wild life clearances, shifting of services, construction of road over and road under bridges, law and order etc. As many of these factors are not within the control of Railways, it is not feasible to fix timelines for all the projects.