14 July 2017

Special trains between Coimbatore and Pollachi and Podanur

Special trains between Coimbatore and Pollachi and Podanur, in the newly constructed Podanur Pollachi Line, as announced by Hon’ble Minister for Railways during his recent visit to Coimbatore

As announced by Hon’ble Minister for Railways Sri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, during his recent visit to Coimbatore, train services are being launched from tomorrow in the newly constructed Podanur Pollachi BG Line.

First, a pair of Passenger Special Trains are being operated in the Section between Coimbatore and Pollachi, from tomorrow (15.07.2017) on all days, as per details given hereunder:

T.No.06081 Coimbatore Pollachi Special Passenger train will leave from Coimbatore at 13.35 hrs and will reach Pollachi at 14.45 hrs. In the return direction, T.No.06082 Pollachi Coimbatore Special Passenger Train will start from Pollachi at 15.05 hrs and will reach Coimbatore back at 16.15 hrs. The train will be stopped at Podanur and Kinathukadavu, in between.

Passengers are requested to make use of the Special Passenger Trains in the new section.