Train No. 13425 Malda Town - Surat Weekly Express will reach Mohuda station at 20.43 hrs, will have a halt of 2 minute and depart at 20.45 hrs w.e.f 29.07.2017.
Similarly, in return direction, Train no. 13426 Surat – Malda Town Weekly Express will reach Mohuda station at 21.20 hrs, will have a halt of 2 minute and depart at 21.22 hrs w.e.f 31.07.2017
Similarly, in return direction, Train no. 13426 Surat – Malda Town Weekly Express will reach Mohuda station at 21.20 hrs, will have a halt of 2 minute and depart at 21.22 hrs w.e.f 31.07.2017