1 July 2017

Twelve Special Trains for Ashadha Ekadashi 2017

South Central Railway will run twelve Special Trains during Ashadha Ekadashi Celebrations at Pandharpur as per the following schedule:-

1.Train No. 07501/07502 Adilabad - Pandharpur – Adilabad special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07501 Adilabad – Pandharpur special train will depart Adilabad at 09:00 hrs o­n 3rd July, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 01:15 hrs o­n the next day.

In the return direction , Train no 07502 Pandharpur –Adilabad special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 07:00 hrs o­n 5th July, 2017 and arrive Adilabad at 20:35 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute, this special train will stop at Kinwat, Bodhadi Bujrug, Dhanora, Sahasrakund, Himayatnagar, Hadgaon Road , Bhokar, Mudkhed, H.S.Nanded, Purna, Parbhani, Gangakher Parli Vaijnath, Latur Road Latur, Usmanabad and kurduwadi stations in both the directions.

 This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches

2.Train No. 07517/07518  Bidar – Pandharpur - Bidar special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07517Bidar – Pandharpur special train will depart Bidar at 15:45 hrs o­n 3rdJuly, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 01:15 hrs o­n the next day.

In the return direction Train No. 07518 Pandharpur – Bidar special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 07:00 hrs o­n 5th July, 2017 and arrive Bidar at 14:00 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute this special train will stop at Kurduwadi, Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Udgir,Kamalnagar and Bhalki stations in both the directions.

 This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches

    3.Train No. 07521/07522  Pandharpur – Bidar – Pandharpur special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07521 Pandharpur – Bidar special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 07:00 hrs o­n 4th July, 2017 and arrive Bidar at 14:00 hrs o­n the same day.

 In the return direction Train No. 07522 Bidar – Pandharpurspecial train will depart Bidar at 15:45 hrs o­n 4thJuly, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 01:15 hrs o­n the next day.

Enroute this special train will stop at Kurduwadi,  Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Udgir,Kamalnagar and Bhalki stations in both the directions.

This special train will have 20 coaches viz., sixteen General Second Class and  four        Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches

 4.Train No. 07515/07516 Nagarsol – Pandharpur-Nagarsol special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07515 Nagarsol – Pandharpur special train will depart Nagarsol at 17:30 hrs o­n 3rd July, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 10:00 hrs o­n the next day.

 In the return direction Train No. 07516 Pandharpur - Nagarsol special train will depart Pandharpur at 23:55 hrs o­n 5th July, 2017 and arrive Nagarsolat 19:30 hrs o­n the next day.

Enroute, this special train will stop at Rotegaon, Parsoda, Lasur, Aurangabad, Jalna, Parthur, Selu, Parbhani, Gangakher, Parli, Pangaon, Latur Road , Latur, Usmanabad and Kurduwadi stations in both the directions.

 This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches

5.Train No. 07523/07524 Akola – Pandharpur – Akola special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07523 Akola – Pandharpur special train will depart Akola at 20:10 hrs o­n 3rd July, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 10:00 hrs o­n the next day.

 In the return direction, Train no 07524 Pandharpur - Akola special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 23:55 hrs o­n 5th July, 2017 and arrive Akolaat 18:40 hrs o­n the next day.

Enroute, this special train will stop at Washim,Hingoli, Nandapur, Basmat, Purna, Parbhani, Gangakher, Parli, Pangaon, Latur Road , Latur, Usmanabad and Kurduwadi stations in both the directions.

This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches.

 6.Train No. 07519/07520  Pandharpur – Khanapur  - Pandharpur special train:

Accordingly, Train no 07519 Pandharpur – Khanapur special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 10:30 hrs o­n 4th July, 2017 and arrive Khanapur at 17:40 hrs o­n the same day.

In the return direction, 07520 Khanapur – Pandharpur special train will depart Khanapur at 14:30 hrs o­n 5thJuly, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 23:10 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute this special train will stop at Kurduwadi,Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Udgir,Kamalnagar and Bhalki stations in both the directions.

This special train will have 20 coaches viz., sixteen General Second Class and four Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches.