15 August 2017

Trains Cancelled/Short terminated due to heavy rains in North Frontier Railway


A) (i) Cancellation of trains J.C.O. 15.08.17 :

(i) 15960 Kamrup Exp remain cancel between DBRG and HWH.

(tl) 12423 Rajdhani Exp will remain cancei between DBRT and NDLS.

(iii) 14055 Brahmaputra Mail will remain cancel between DBRG and DLl.

(iv) 12344 Darjeeling Mail will remain cancel between HDB-NJp and SDAH.

(v) 13146 Exp will remain cancel between RDP and KOM.

(vi) 55708 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and RDp.

(ii) Cancellation of trains J.C.O. 16.08.17 :

(1) 1 5960 Kamrup Exp will remain cancel between DBRG and HWH.

(2) 12423 Rajdhani Expwill remain cancet between DBRTand NDLS. (3) 14055 Brahmaputra Mait will remain cancel between DBRG and DLl. (4) 15S09 A.A. Exp wi remain cancet between DBRG and LGH. (5) 12501 PSK Exp will remain cancel between GHy and NDLS.

(6) 12516 Exp will remain cancet between GHy and TVC.

(7) 12505 NE Exp will remain cancel between GHy and ANVT. (8) 12346 Saraighat Exp will remain cancet between GHy and HWH. (9) 15653 Amarnath Exp will remain cancel between GHy and JAT. (10) 15646 Expwill remain cancel between GHyand LTT.

(11) 12518 Garib Rath Expwi remain cancel between GHy and KOAA. (12) 55812155811 Pass witt remain cancel between Kye and DBB.

(13) 15668 Exp will remain cancel between Kye and GlM.

(14) 12552 Expwill remain cancet between Kye and ypR.

(151 75730175729 DEMU wilt remain cancet between SHTT and GHy. (16) 25658 Kanchanjungha will remain cancel between SCL and SDAH. (17) 12378 Padatik Exp will remain cancel between NOe and SDAH.

(181 13142 Teesta Torsa Exp will remain cancel between NOe and SDAH. (19) 13148 UB Exp wilt remain cancet between NCBand SDAH.

(20) 13150 K.K Expwitt remain cancet between APDJ and SDAH.

(21') 15483 Mahananda Exp will remain cancel between APDJ and DLl. (22) 05447105448 Spl witl remain cancet between NCB and DHH and NCB (23) 07526 107525 Spl witl remain cancel between NJp and NBe and NJp (24) 75708 DEMU will remain cancet between RDp and SJUJ. (25) 75719175720 DEMU witl remain cancet between MLFC and SGUJ. (26) 55711155712 Pass will remain cancel between MLDT and NJp. (27) 55715155716 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and SGUJ

. (28) 15463115464 l/C Exp witl remain cancet between BLGT and SGUJ. (29) 15719115720 UC Exp wi remain cancet between KlRand SGUJ. (30) 55743 & 55763 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and JBN. (31) 12042 Shatabdi Exp wilt remain caricet between NJp and HWH. (32) 13146 Exp will remain cancel between RDp and KOM.

(33') 12364 Exp will remain cancel between HDB and KOM

(34) 22488122487 Exp witt remain caricel between KtR and RDp. (35) 23141123142 T.T. Link Exp wi remain cancet between ReJ and RDp.

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(36) 12344 Darjeeling Mail will remain cancel between NJp and SDAH.

(37) 55422 Pass will remain cancel between BLGI-MLDT.

(38) 55708 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and RDp

(39) 55717155718 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and TETA.

(40) 55727155728 Pass wilt remain cancel between KIR and RDp.

(iii) Cancellation of trains J.C.O. 17.08.17 :

(i) 75707 DEMU will remain cancel between SJUJ and RDp

(tl) 55744 & 55756 Pass will remain cancel between KIR and JBN.

(B) Short Termination and Short Origination of trains on 16.08.17 :

(i) 15765/15766 (SGUJ-APDJ-DBB-SGUJ) Exp wi be shorterrninated/ orioinated

at APDJ and will remain partially cancel between ADPJ and DBB. (iD 55733t55734, 55735/55736, 55739t55740, 55741t55742, 55755/55764 (KtRJBN)

Pass will be short terminated/originated at FBG and will remain partiallv

cancel between FBG and JBN.

(tit) 12488112487 (ANVT-JBN-ANW) s. Exp wiI be short terminated/oriqinated at FBG and witl remain partially cancel between FBG and JBN. (iv) 55771155772 Pass wil be shorterminated/originated at BNDp and wirr remain partially cancel between BNDp and BLGT.

(v) 13161113162 (KOAA-BLGT) Exp wi be short terminated/originated at MLDT and will remain pa(ially cancel between MLDT and BLGT

(vi) 13248 (RJPB-GHY) Capitat Exp J.C.O 15.08.17 wi be short terminated and 13247 J.c.o. 16.08.17 wi|| short originate at KrR and wirremain partialv cancer between KIR and GHy.


( A'l JCO L5lal20r7

(1) 140s6 DLr-DBRT

(B\ JCO t6lel20r7

(1) 12506 ANW-GHY

(2) 72488 ANW-JBN

, (3) 12502 NDLS-GHY

(4) 12424 NDLS-DBRT

(5) t2524 NDLS-NJP

(6) 1s484 DLI-APDJ

(7) 74056 DLr-DBRT

(8) 15652 JAT-GHY

(9) 15904 CDG-DBRT

(B) JCO L7 tAt20L7

(1) 12s06 ANW-GHY

(2) 12488 ANW-JBN

(3) 72436 NDLS-DBRT

(4) 72424 NDLS-DBRT

(5) 15602 NDLS-SCL

(6) 1s484 DLr-APDJ

(7) 74056 DLr-DBR