Railways has decided to run Unreserved Special Train, Provision of Temporary Stoppages, Temporary Augmentation of Coaches to cleaqr the anticipated rush of Passenger Traffic in ensuring Dasara Festival from 29thSeptember, 2017 to 02nd October, 2017.
1.Train No. 06207/06208, Mysuru - Chamarajanagar - Mysuru Unreserved Special will run on 30th September, 2017 on Vijaya dashmi Day. Train No. 06207, Mysuru - Chamarajanagar Unreserved Special will leave Mysuru at 20:40 hrs. on 30thSeptember, 2017 and arrive at Chamarajanagar at 22:20 hrs. Train No. 06208, Chamarajanagar - Mysuru Unreserved Special will leave Chamarajanagar at 22:35 hrs. on 30th September, 2017 and arrive at Mysuru at 00:15 hrs. on next day.
2.Train No. 06215/06216, Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru Unreserved Special will run on Vijaya dashmi Day. Train No. 06215, Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru Unreserved Special will leave Mysuru at 22:30 hrs. on 30th September, 2017 and arrive at KSR Bengaluru at 01:30 hrs. Train No. 06216, KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru Unreserved Special will leave KSR Bengaluru at 02:00 hrs. on 01stOctober, 2017 and arrive at Mysuru at 04:45 hrs.
3.Additional stoppages will be provided for Train No. 17302 Dharwad - Mysuru Express leaving Dharwad on 29th September, 2017 and Train No. 17301 Mysuru - Dharwad Express leaving Mysuru on 30thSeptember, 2017 at Belagula, Sagarakatte, Hosa Agrahara, Akkihebbalu and Mavinkere between Mysuru and Hassan for one day only.
4.Railway has decided to Temporary augment with TWO Second Class Coach from 29th September, 2017 to 02ndOctober, 2017 for Train No. 56259/56270 Mysuru - Shivamogga - Mysuru, Train No. 56263/56264 Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru, Train No. 56204/56203 Mysuru - Chamrajanagar - Mysuru, Train No. 56208/56207 Mysuru - Chamrajanagar - Mysuru, Train No. 56276/56275 Mysuru - Talaguppa- Mysuru.
South Western Railway has decided to temporarily augment with One Second Class Sleeper Coach for Train No. 16527 Yesvantpur - Kannur Daily Express with effect from 19th September, 2017to 19thDecember,2017from Yesvantpur end and Train No. 16528 Kannur- Yesvantpur Daily Express with effect from 20th September, 2017to 20thDecember,2017 from Kannur end.
The revised Train composition will have onE AC 2-tier coach, TWO AC 3-tier coaches, TWELVE Second class Sleeper coaches, FOUR Second class coaches, Two Luggage cum Brake with generator.
1.Train No. 06207/06208, Mysuru - Chamarajanagar - Mysuru Unreserved Special will run on 30th September, 2017 on Vijaya dashmi Day. Train No. 06207, Mysuru - Chamarajanagar Unreserved Special will leave Mysuru at 20:40 hrs. on 30thSeptember, 2017 and arrive at Chamarajanagar at 22:20 hrs. Train No. 06208, Chamarajanagar - Mysuru Unreserved Special will leave Chamarajanagar at 22:35 hrs. on 30th September, 2017 and arrive at Mysuru at 00:15 hrs. on next day.
2.Train No. 06215/06216, Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru Unreserved Special will run on Vijaya dashmi Day. Train No. 06215, Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru Unreserved Special will leave Mysuru at 22:30 hrs. on 30th September, 2017 and arrive at KSR Bengaluru at 01:30 hrs. Train No. 06216, KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru Unreserved Special will leave KSR Bengaluru at 02:00 hrs. on 01stOctober, 2017 and arrive at Mysuru at 04:45 hrs.
3.Additional stoppages will be provided for Train No. 17302 Dharwad - Mysuru Express leaving Dharwad on 29th September, 2017 and Train No. 17301 Mysuru - Dharwad Express leaving Mysuru on 30thSeptember, 2017 at Belagula, Sagarakatte, Hosa Agrahara, Akkihebbalu and Mavinkere between Mysuru and Hassan for one day only.
4.Railway has decided to Temporary augment with TWO Second Class Coach from 29th September, 2017 to 02ndOctober, 2017 for Train No. 56259/56270 Mysuru - Shivamogga - Mysuru, Train No. 56263/56264 Mysuru - KSR Bengaluru - Mysuru, Train No. 56204/56203 Mysuru - Chamrajanagar - Mysuru, Train No. 56208/56207 Mysuru - Chamrajanagar - Mysuru, Train No. 56276/56275 Mysuru - Talaguppa- Mysuru.
South Western Railway has decided to temporarily augment with One Second Class Sleeper Coach for Train No. 16527 Yesvantpur - Kannur Daily Express with effect from 19th September, 2017to 19thDecember,2017from Yesvantpur end and Train No. 16528 Kannur- Yesvantpur Daily Express with effect from 20th September, 2017to 20thDecember,2017 from Kannur end.
The revised Train composition will have onE AC 2-tier coach, TWO AC 3-tier coaches, TWELVE Second class Sleeper coaches, FOUR Second class coaches, Two Luggage cum Brake with generator.