7 September 2017

Secunderabad-Vijayawada-Secunderabad Special Trains at Mangalgiri

Train No. 07757 Secunderabad-Vijayawada superfast special train will depart Secunderabad at 05:30 hrs on 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October; 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th November, 2017 (Sundays), arrive/depart Nalgonda at 07.14/07.15 hrs, Miryalguda at 07.41/07.42 hrs, Guntur at 09.40/09.42 hrs, Mangalgiri at 10.00/10.01 hrs and arrive Vijayawada at 10:45 hrs on the same day.

In the return direction, Train No. 07758 Vijayawada – Secunderabad superfast special train will depart Vijayawada at 17:30 hrs on 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October; 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th November, 2017 (Sundays), arrive/depart Mangalgiri at 17.50/17.51 hrs, Guntur at 18.18/18.20 hrs, Miryalguda at 20.05/20.06 hrs, Nalgonda at 20.35/20.36 hrs and arrive Secunderabad at 22:50 hrs on the same day.

These special trains consists of three AC Chair Car and thirteen Second sitting Coaches.