20 September 2017

special trains between Kochuveli – Mangalore Jn

Special fare special trains between Kochuveli – Mangalore Jn.

Train No.06053 Kochuveli – Mangalore Jn. special fare special train will leave Kochuveli at 18.35 hrs. o­n 06th, 13th, 20th,27th October, 03rd, 10th, 17th and 24th November 2017 reach Mangalore Jn. at 05.10 hrs. the next day.

Train No.06054 Mangalore Jn. – Kochuveli special fare special train will leave Mangalore Jn. at 15.40 hrs. o­n 08th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October, 05th ,12th, 19th and 26th Novermber, 2017 and reach Kochuveli at 05.00 hrs. the next day.

Composition:AC 2-tier – 1, AC 3-tier – 2, Sleeper Class – 7, General Second Class – 3 & Luggage-cum-brake van – 2 coaches.

Stoppages:Kollam, Kayankulam, Chengannur, Tiruvalla, Kottayam, Ernakulam Town, Aluva, Thrisur, Shoranur, Kozhikkode, Kannur and Kasargod.