23 September 2017

Special Trains between Tirupati - Dharmavaram and Arakkonam-Renigunta-Chennai Beach for 2017 Tirumala Bramotsavam

Tirumala Bramotsavam festival the following Special Trains will run between Tirupati - Dharmavaram and Arakkonam – Renigunta - Chennai Beach as detailed below:-

1.Train No. 07402/07401 Tirupati –Dharmavaram– Tirupati Special Trains:

Train No. 07402 Tirupati - Dharmavaram Special train will depart Tirupati at 05:00 hrs from 25th September to 14th October 2017 and arrive Dharmavaram at 10:40 hrs o­n the same day.

In the return direction, Train No. 07401 Dharmavaram - Tirupati Special train will depart Dharmavaram at 13:00 hrs from 25thSeptember to 14th October 2017 and arrive Tirupati at 19:10 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at Pakala, Piler, Madanapalle Road and Kadiri stations in both the directions.

These trains will comprise of o­ne AC II Tier, to AC III Tier, ten Sleeper Class and four General Second class Coaches.

2.Train No. 05601/05602 Arakkonam-Renigunta-Chennai Beach Janasadaran Special Trains:

Train No. 05601 Arakkonam-Renigunta Janasadaran special train will depart Arakkonam at 15:00 hrs from 23rd September to 2ndOctober, 2017 and arrive Renigunata at 17:00 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute this special train will also stop at Tiruttani, Ekambarakuppan Halt and Puttur stations.

In the return direction, Train No. 05602 Renigunta – Chennai Beach special train will depart Renigunta at 17:35 hrs from 23rd September to 2ndOctober, 2017 and arrive Chennai Beach at 21:00 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute this special train will also stop at Puttur, Ekambarakuppan, Tiruttani, Arakkonam, Tiruvallur, Tiruninravur and Perambur stations.