Tirumala Bramotsavam festival the following Special Trains will run between Tirupati - Dharmavaram and Arakkonam – Renigunta - Chennai Beach as detailed below:-
1.Train No. 07402/07401 Tirupati –Dharmavaram– Tirupati Special Trains:
Train No. 07402 Tirupati - Dharmavaram Special train will depart Tirupati at 05:00 hrs from 25th September to 14th October 2017 and arrive Dharmavaram at 10:40 hrs on the same day.
In the return direction, Train No. 07401 Dharmavaram - Tirupati Special train will depart Dharmavaram at 13:00 hrs from 25thSeptember to 14th October 2017 and arrive Tirupati at 19:10 hrs on the same day.
Enroute, these special trains will stop at Pakala, Piler, Madanapalle Road and Kadiri stations in both the directions.
These trains will comprise of one AC II Tier, to AC III Tier, ten Sleeper Class and four General Second class Coaches.
2.Train No. 05601/05602 Arakkonam-Renigunta-Chennai Beach Janasadaran Special Trains:
Train No. 05601 Arakkonam-Renigunta Janasadaran special train will depart Arakkonam at 15:00 hrs from 23rd September to 2ndOctober, 2017 and arrive Renigunata at 17:00 hrs on the same day.
Enroute this special train will also stop at Tiruttani, Ekambarakuppan Halt and Puttur stations.
In the return direction, Train No. 05602 Renigunta – Chennai Beach special train will depart Renigunta at 17:35 hrs from 23rd September to 2ndOctober, 2017 and arrive Chennai Beach at 21:00 hrs on the same day.
Enroute this special train will also stop at Puttur, Ekambarakuppan, Tiruttani, Arakkonam, Tiruvallur, Tiruninravur and Perambur stations.