Two special trains between Thiruvananthapuram Central - Howrah as detailed below:-
1. Thiruvananthapuram Central – Howrah – Thiruvananthapuram Central
Special Trains (02 services):
Accordingly, Train No. 06515 Thiruvananthapuram Central – Howrah Special Train on special fare will depart Thiruvananthapuram central at 12:40 hrs on 10th September, 2017 (Sunday ) and arrive Howrah at 10:55 hrs on the second day.
In the return direction, Train No. 06516 Howrah – Thiruvananthapuram Central Special Train on special fare will depart Howrah at 01:05 hrs on 14th September, 2017 (Thursday) and arrive at Thiruvananthapuram Central at 22:35 hrs on the next day.
Enroute, these special trains will stop at Chennai Central and Visakhapatnam stations in both the directions.
These special trains will consists one AC II Tier, four AC III Tier, twelve Sleeper Class, one second sitting and two General Second Class Coaches.