2 September 2017

Train No 17481/17482 Bilaspur-Tirupati-Bilaspur express via RAIPUR-GONDIA-BALLHARSHA-VIJAYAWADA UP TO 30th September,2017

Due to Restoration of Works at Bridge no.588 in Rayagada-Titlagarh Section of Sambalpur Division of East Coast Railway the following trains are diverted as detailed below:-

1) Train No. 17482 Tirupati-Bilaspur is diverted to run via Vijayawada, Ballarshah, Gondia and Raipur stations (instead of Visakhapatnam,Titlagarh) on 03rd, 7th , 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th and 28th September,2017.

2) Train No. 17481 Bilaspur-Tirupati is diverted to run via Raipur,Gondia, Ballarshah and Vijayawada stations (instead of Titlagarh, Visakhapatnam) on 05th , 9th, 12th , 16th, 19th , 23rd, 26thand on 30th September,2017