11 December 2017

16 DEMU Special Trains between Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam from 10th to 17th December,2017

Bhavani Diksha Viramana, SCR will run 16 DEMU special trains between Vijayawada - Visakhapatnam –Vijayawada as detailed below:-

Train No. 07025 Vijayawada – Visakhapatnam DEMU Special Train will depart Vijayawada at 08:15 hrs for 8 days from 10th to 17th December,2017 and arrive Visakhapatnam at 15.00 hrs on the same day.

In the return direction, Train No. 07026 Visakhapatnam – Vijayawada DEMU Special Train will depart Visakhapatnam at 15:45 hrs for 8 days from 10th to 17th December,2017 and arrive Vijayawada at 23:00 hrs on the same day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at Eluru, Tadepalligudem, Nidadavolu, Rajahmundry, Dwarapudi, Anaparti, Samalkot, Pithapuram, Annavaram, Tuni, Elamanchili, Narsingpalli, Ankapalli and Duvvada stations in both the directions.

This special train will consists of DEMU Coaches.