A number of new policy initiatives by Railways have been introduced since last few years. The details of these initiatives are as under:-
FDI in Railways: The proposal has been cleared by Government for allowing 100 per cent FDI in Railway infrastructure, apart from operations, through automatic route.
· High-speed bullet trains : Railways has announced a Bullet Train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai with MOU between Railways and Japan.
Policy initiatives for freight trains :-
Ø Long term tariff contract (LTTC) with key freight customers at predetermined price escalation principals.
Ø For the first time ever in Indian Railways, freight rates were reduced.
Ø Port congestion charges dropped.
Ø Busy season surcharge dropped.
Ø Dual pricing policy of iron withdrawn.
Ø Multi point loading introduced.
Ø Siding policy liberalised .
Ø Automatic freight rebate scheme in traditional empty flow direction introduced.
Ø Time tabled freight services introduced.
Ø Container sector opened up for more commodities.
Ø Goods terminals opened up for handling containers.
Ø Last mile connectivity through Roadrailers, Roll on Roll Offs Appointed Key Customer Managers to serve as single point of contact for all major freight customers.
Ø Structured dialogue between Railways and Customers christened ‘Samvad’ started.
Ø Electronic registration of Demand and Electronic transmission of Railway Receipts started.
Railway land leased out for horticulture and plantation of trees
Discharge free Railways – bio-toilets in all coaches.
SRESTHA - New R&D organisation to serve the future technology needs of Railways.
SUTRA World class data analytics, simulation softwares, network optimisation and decision support systems.
RAIL INVESTMENT AND PLANNING ORGANISATION - Develop and own the corporate medium term and long term plan, identify investment opportunities, standardize economic easements of projects and propose optimal modes of financing.
Following administrative reforms have been introduced to make the functioning of Railways delivery oriented:-
· In October 2017, major administrative and financial powers delegated to General Managers, Divisional Railway Managers and Chief Workshop Managers for faster decision making and execution. Model Schedule of Powers issued from Railway Board for the 1st time for uniform delegations across zones (replacing 16 different Schedule of Powers of zones).
· To support Divisional Railway Managers in efficient management of the Divisions and field working, it has been decided to post extra Additional Divisional Railway Managers; at least 2 in each Division.
· To improve station management and customer service and bring more commercial orientation to the organization, Station Directors have been posted at a number of major stations.
· Protocol during VIP and higher officers’ visit/inspections have been curtailed and kept at bare minimum.
· Initiatives for employee grievance redressal :-
Ø Employee charter for time-bound redressal of employee grievances has been constituted.
Ø ‘NIVARAN’ - online grievance redressal machinery has been instituted.
· Intensive recruitment drive to fulfill safety category vacancies.
FDI in Railways: The proposal has been cleared by Government for allowing 100 per cent FDI in Railway infrastructure, apart from operations, through automatic route.
· High-speed bullet trains : Railways has announced a Bullet Train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai with MOU between Railways and Japan.
Policy initiatives for freight trains :-
Ø Long term tariff contract (LTTC) with key freight customers at predetermined price escalation principals.
Ø For the first time ever in Indian Railways, freight rates were reduced.
Ø Port congestion charges dropped.
Ø Busy season surcharge dropped.
Ø Dual pricing policy of iron withdrawn.
Ø Multi point loading introduced.
Ø Siding policy liberalised .
Ø Automatic freight rebate scheme in traditional empty flow direction introduced.
Ø Time tabled freight services introduced.
Ø Container sector opened up for more commodities.
Ø Goods terminals opened up for handling containers.
Ø Last mile connectivity through Roadrailers, Roll on Roll Offs Appointed Key Customer Managers to serve as single point of contact for all major freight customers.
Ø Structured dialogue between Railways and Customers christened ‘Samvad’ started.
Ø Electronic registration of Demand and Electronic transmission of Railway Receipts started.
Railway land leased out for horticulture and plantation of trees
Discharge free Railways – bio-toilets in all coaches.
SRESTHA - New R&D organisation to serve the future technology needs of Railways.
SUTRA World class data analytics, simulation softwares, network optimisation and decision support systems.
RAIL INVESTMENT AND PLANNING ORGANISATION - Develop and own the corporate medium term and long term plan, identify investment opportunities, standardize economic easements of projects and propose optimal modes of financing.
Following administrative reforms have been introduced to make the functioning of Railways delivery oriented:-
· In October 2017, major administrative and financial powers delegated to General Managers, Divisional Railway Managers and Chief Workshop Managers for faster decision making and execution. Model Schedule of Powers issued from Railway Board for the 1st time for uniform delegations across zones (replacing 16 different Schedule of Powers of zones).
· To support Divisional Railway Managers in efficient management of the Divisions and field working, it has been decided to post extra Additional Divisional Railway Managers; at least 2 in each Division.
· To improve station management and customer service and bring more commercial orientation to the organization, Station Directors have been posted at a number of major stations.
· Protocol during VIP and higher officers’ visit/inspections have been curtailed and kept at bare minimum.
· Initiatives for employee grievance redressal :-
Ø Employee charter for time-bound redressal of employee grievances has been constituted.
Ø ‘NIVARAN’ - online grievance redressal machinery has been instituted.
· Intensive recruitment drive to fulfill safety category vacancies.