24 weekly tatkal special trains between Yesvantpur - Visakhapatnam will be run as detailed below:-
Accordingly, Train No. 06579 Yesvantpur - Visakhapatnam Weekly Tatkal special train will depart Yesvantpur at 18:35 hrs on 8th, 15th, 22nd , 29th December, 2017, 5th, 12th, 19th , 26th January, 2nd , 9th ,16th & 23rd February, 2018 (Fridays) and arrive Visakhapatnam at 14:35 hrs on the next day.
In the return direction, Train No. 06580 Visakhapatnam - Yesvantpur Weekly Tatkal special train will depart Visakhapatnam at 13:45 hrs on 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st December,2017, 7th ,14th , 21st , 28th January, 4th , 11th , 18th & 25th February, 2018 (Sundays) and arrive Yesvantpur at 09:05 hrs on the next day.
Enroute, these tatkal special trains will stop at Banaswadi, Krishnarajapuram, Whitefield, Bangarapet, Kuppam, Jolarpettai, Katpadi, Renigunta, Gudur, Nellore, Ongole, Chirala, Tenali, Vijayawada, Eluru, Rajahmundry, Samalkot, Anakapalle and Duvvada stations in both the directions.
These special trains consist of AC II Tier, AC III Tier, Sleeper Class and Luggage cum Brake Van coaches.