25 January 2018

2018 REPUBLIC DAY RPF/RPSF personnel awarded President’s Police Medal for distinguished services and Police Medal

On the occasion of Republic Day, 2018, Hon’ble President of India has awarded President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Services and Police Medal for Meritorious Services to the following RPF/RPSF personnel:-

President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service have been awarded to:

Shri Rajinder Kumar Malik, IG-cum-CSC/W.C. Railway

Police Medal for Meritorious Services have been awarded to:

Shri Sumati Shandilya, DIG/MAC/Railway Board

Shri Alok Bohra, Dy. CSC/Western Railway

Shri Rakesh Kumar Pandey, ASC/Western Railway

Shri K.P.James, Asstt. Commandant/7Bn/RPSF

Shri Shirish Sadanand Dhenge , Sub-Inspector/Central Railway

Shri Dhanraj Gomaji Meshram, Head Constable/Central Railway

Shri Nand Lal, Head Constable/NWR

Shri Sadhu Ram Sidar, Head Constable/SECR

Shri Tarun Kumar Pan, Head Constable/Eastern Railway

Shri Swapan Nayak, Head Constable/Eastern Railway

Shri Om Prakash Rawat, Inspector/Northern Railway

Shri Jaichand Sharma, Asstt. Sub-Inspector/Northern Railway

Shri Pradeep Kumar Gupta,DIG(Training)/JR RPF Academy, Lucknow