7 January 2018

Sabarimala 2018 Special Trains Between Visakhapatnam - Kollam

08 Special trains will be run between Visakhapatnam – Kollam as per the following schedule:-

Visakhapatnam – Kollam - Visakhapatnam Bi- weekly Special Trains (08 services) :

Accordingly, Train No. 08567 Visakhapatnam - Kollam Bi-weekly special train will depart Visakhapatnam at 23.00 hrs o­n 10th, 13th, 17th and 20th January, 2018  and arrive Kollam at 03.45 hrs o­n the second day.

In the return direction, Train No. 08568 Kollam – Viskahapatnam special train will depart Kollam at 05.45 hrs o­n 12th, 15th, 19th and 22ndJanuary, 2018 and arrive Visakhapatnam at 12.30 hrs o­n the next day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at Duvvada, Samalkot, Rajahumdry, Nidadavolu, Eluru, Vijayawada, Tenali, o­ngole, Nellore, Gudur, Renigunta, Katpadi, Vaniyambadi, Jolarpettai, Salem, Erode, Tiruppur, Coimbatore Jn, Palakkad, Thrisur, Aluva, Ernakulam Town, Kottayam, Tiruvalla, Chengannur and Kayankulam stations in both the directions.

All These Special trains will consist of AC II Tier, AC III Tier, Sleeper Class, General Second Class and Luggage cum Brake van Coaches.