2 February 2018

Special Trains between Vijayawada-Raichur and Kakinada Town-Raichur

sixteen Special Trains will be run between Vijayawada-Raichur-Vijayawada and Kakinada Town-Raichur-Kakinada Town .

 1.Vijayawada-Raichur-Vijayawada Special Trains (08 Services) Train No. 07243 Vijayawada - Raichur Special train will depart Vijayawada at 23:10 hrs o­n 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd February, 2018 (Thursdays) and arrive Raichur at 11:30 hrs o­n the next day. In return direction, Train No. 07244 Raichur - Vijayawada Special train will depart Raichur at 17:30 hrs o­n 4th, 11th, 18th and 25nd February, 2018 (Sundays) and arrive Vijayawada at 5:30 hrs o­n the next day. Enroute these special trains will stop at Guntur, Narsasaraopet, Vinukonda, Donakonda, Markapur Road, Giddalur, Nandyal, Betamcherla, Dhone, Maddikara, Guntakal, Adoni and Mantralayam Road stations in both directions. 

 2. Kakinada Town - Raichur – Kakinada Town Special Trains (08 Services): Train No. 07245 Kakinada Town – Raichur special train will depart Kakinada Town at 13:40 hrs o­n 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24nd February, 2018 (Saturdays) and arrive Raichur at 08:15 hrs o­n the next day. In return direction, Train No. 07246 Raichur - Kakinada Town special train will depart Raichur at 17:30 hrs 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23nd February, 2018 (Fridays) and arrive Kakinada Town at 11:25 hrs o­n the next day. Enroute, these special trains will also stop at Samalkot, Dwarapudi, Rajahmundry, Nidadavolu, Tanuku, Bhimavaram town, Akividu, Kaikaluru, Gudivada, Vijayawada, Guntur, Narsaraopet, Vinukonda, Donakonda, Markapuram Road, Giddalur, Nandyal, Betamcharla, Dhone, Maddikera, Guntakal, Adoni and Matralayam Road stations in both directions. All these special trains will consist of AC II Tier, AC III Tier, Sleeper Class, General Second Class and Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.