Due to late running of pairing trains the following trains are rescheduled as detailed below:-
Trains Rescheduled:
1. Train No. 12512 Thiruvananthapuram-Gorakhpur Rapti Sagar Express scheduled to depart Thiruvananthapuram at 06:15 hrs on 11th February, 2018 is rescheduled to depart at 20:00 hrs on the same day.
Sl. No. II
Due to Non-Interlocking working at Salbari station of North Frontier Railway on 18th February, 2018 the following train will diverted as detailed below:-
Trains Diverted:
1. Train No. 12510 Guwahati-Bengaluru Cantt. Kaziranga Express which will depart Guwahati on 18th February, 2018 is diverted to run via Samuktala, Alipur Duar, Siliguri and New Jalpaiguri with 2 minutes stoppage at Binnaguri station.
Sl. No. III
Due to Non-Interlocking working at Murhipur of South Eastern Railway the following train will be regulated as detailed below:-
Trains Regulated:
1. Train No. 12768 Santragachi-H.S.Nanded Express which will depart Guwahati on 21st February, 2018will be regulated for 2 hrs Enroute.
Trains Rescheduled:
1. Train No. 12512 Thiruvananthapuram-Gorakhpur Rapti Sagar Express scheduled to depart Thiruvananthapuram at 06:15 hrs on 11th February, 2018 is rescheduled to depart at 20:00 hrs on the same day.
Sl. No. II
Due to Non-Interlocking working at Salbari station of North Frontier Railway on 18th February, 2018 the following train will diverted as detailed below:-
Trains Diverted:
1. Train No. 12510 Guwahati-Bengaluru Cantt. Kaziranga Express which will depart Guwahati on 18th February, 2018 is diverted to run via Samuktala, Alipur Duar, Siliguri and New Jalpaiguri with 2 minutes stoppage at Binnaguri station.
Sl. No. III
Due to Non-Interlocking working at Murhipur of South Eastern Railway the following train will be regulated as detailed below:-
Trains Regulated:
1. Train No. 12768 Santragachi-H.S.Nanded Express which will depart Guwahati on 21st February, 2018will be regulated for 2 hrs Enroute.