Keeping passenger safety in view, SCR has decided to runa DEMU train for the convenience of passengers and de-Link the Train No.17241/17242 Narsapur-Visakhapatnam-Narsapur Link Express with Train No.17239/17240 Guntur-Viskhapatnam-Guntur Simhadri Express on experimental basis for a period of six months from 20th March, 2018.
Consequent to the above, a DEMU train will be operated between Narsapur – Nidadavolu – Narsapurfor the convenience of passengers to connect with Train No.17239/17240 Guntur-Viskhapatnam-Guntur Simhadri Express as detailed below:-
1.Train No.77275/77276 Narsapur – Nidadavolu – NarsapurDEMU Train:-
Train No. 77275 Narsapur – Nidadavolu JnDEMU train will departNarsapur at 09.50 hrs on 20thMarch, 2018 and arrive Nidadavolu Jn at 11.45 hrs on the same day.
In return direction, Train No. 77276 Nidadavolu Jn – NarsapurDEMU train will departNidadavolu Jnat 11.55 hrs on 20th March, 2018 and arrive Narsapur at 13.55 hrs on the same day.
2.Train No.17239/17240 Guntur – Visakhapatnam –Guntur Simhadri Express :-
Train No. 17239 Guntur – Visakhapatnam Simhadri express train will departGuntur at 08.00 hrs on 20th March, 2018,arrive/depart Vijayawada at 09.05/09.30 hrs, Nidadavolu Jn at 12.05/12.35 hrs and arrive Visakhapatnam at 18.25 on the same day.
In return direction, Train No. 17240 Visakhapatnam- GunturSimhadri express train will departVisakhapatnam at 07.20 hrs on 20th March, 2018,arrive/depart Nidadavolu Jn at 11.08/11.15 hrs, Vijayawada at 14.10/14.20 hrs and arrive Guntur at 15.30 on the same day..
This train will be augmented by 4 additional General Second Class chair car Coaches.
Consequent to the above, a DEMU train will be operated between Narsapur – Nidadavolu – Narsapurfor the convenience of passengers to connect with Train No.17239/17240 Guntur-Viskhapatnam-Guntur Simhadri Express as detailed below:-
1.Train No.77275/77276 Narsapur – Nidadavolu – NarsapurDEMU Train:-
Train No. 77275 Narsapur – Nidadavolu JnDEMU train will departNarsapur at 09.50 hrs on 20thMarch, 2018 and arrive Nidadavolu Jn at 11.45 hrs on the same day.
In return direction, Train No. 77276 Nidadavolu Jn – NarsapurDEMU train will departNidadavolu Jnat 11.55 hrs on 20th March, 2018 and arrive Narsapur at 13.55 hrs on the same day.
2.Train No.17239/17240 Guntur – Visakhapatnam –Guntur Simhadri Express :-
Train No. 17239 Guntur – Visakhapatnam Simhadri express train will departGuntur at 08.00 hrs on 20th March, 2018,arrive/depart Vijayawada at 09.05/09.30 hrs, Nidadavolu Jn at 12.05/12.35 hrs and arrive Visakhapatnam at 18.25 on the same day.
In return direction, Train No. 17240 Visakhapatnam- GunturSimhadri express train will departVisakhapatnam at 07.20 hrs on 20th March, 2018,arrive/depart Nidadavolu Jn at 11.08/11.15 hrs, Vijayawada at 14.10/14.20 hrs and arrive Guntur at 15.30 on the same day..
This train will be augmented by 4 additional General Second Class chair car Coaches.