The Ministry of Railways have decided to discontinue the pasting of Passenger Reservation Charts on reserved coaches of train at all A1, A and B category stations from 1stMarch, 2018. This decision has been taken as a pilot project for a period of six months.
Despite discontinuation of pasting Reservation Charts, Physical/Digital Charts will however continue to be displayed at Platforms of the train. The objective of withdrawing and discontinuing of pasting Reservation Charts on Reserved Coaches of the train is to save paper and environment.
Passengers may get the status of their tickets in the following manners:-
vTickets with confirmed status at the time of booking have information printed on the ticket itself.
vWaitlisted and RAC passengers get their status updated on their registered mobile number through SMS at the time of charting which is 4 hours before the schedule departure of the train.
vApart from the above, IVRS service through No. 139, online booking website are available for passengers for checking status of their tickets on real time basis.
Despite discontinuation of pasting Reservation Charts, Physical/Digital Charts will however continue to be displayed at Platforms of the train. The objective of withdrawing and discontinuing of pasting Reservation Charts on Reserved Coaches of the train is to save paper and environment.
Passengers may get the status of their tickets in the following manners:-
vTickets with confirmed status at the time of booking have information printed on the ticket itself.
vWaitlisted and RAC passengers get their status updated on their registered mobile number through SMS at the time of charting which is 4 hours before the schedule departure of the train.
vApart from the above, IVRS service through No. 139, online booking website are available for passengers for checking status of their tickets on real time basis.