22 March 2018

Indian Railways has gained an amount of Rs 28.98 Crores on account of senior citizens opting to give up subsidy

Indian Railways have registered a rise of 35% in the number of senior citizens who have chosen to give up the subsidy. Option for giving up of concession in passenger fare for senior citizens to the element of 100% was already available. Further w.e.f. 22nd July 2017, senior citizens were given the option to avail either the full concession provided to them on rail tickets or half of it.

Till 22nd February 2018,  9.08 lakh senior citizens gave up 100% of their concessional value whereas 8.55 lakh senior citizens gave up 50% of concessional value of passenger fare. During the current financial year 2017-18, Indian Railways has gained an amount of Rs 28.98 Crores on account of senior citizens opting to give up subsidy.

At present, male senior citizens get 40 per cent while women get 50 per cent concession on the total fare. Though there are many categories of passengers including sportspersons and differently-abled persons who avail concessions, the major beneficiaries are in the senior citizen segment.