23 March 2018

Southern Railway List of summer specials during April - June 2018

For the first time, Southern Railway has brought    out a  proper Time Table  of Summer Specials in a soft version. The time table has all sector wise summer specials proposed during April - June 2018, with detailed timings. The link for the soft copy of the time table is given hereunder in the form of a QR Code The QR can be scanned using a Mobile Scanner that'll open a link containing the soft copy of the above time table (this can be opened in the same manner in which the other QR codes such as PayTM, etc are scanned and linked).

The QR code has been put o­n display at major stations, at the reservation counters. Passengers can scan the code and download the timetable into their smartphones.

This is version 1.0, and the revised o­nes, as and when revised, will keep appearing in the same link through out the next three months. Rail passengers and other rail users may make use of the same.