01661 Habibganj-Puri Weekly Special Train will leave Habibganj at 0720hrs on every Tuesday and will reach at Puri at 0845hrs on the next days between 3rd April to 26th June, 2018. In the return direction, 01662 Puri-Habibganj Weekly Special Train willleave Puri at 1115hrs on every Wednesday and will arrive at Habibganj at 1120hrs on the following days between 4th April to 27th June 2018.
01661 Habibganj-Puri Weekly Special Train will leave Habibganj at 0720hrs on every Tuesday and will reach at Puri at 0845hrs on the next days between 3rd April to 26th June, 2018. In the return direction, 01662 Puri-Habibganj Weekly Special Train willleave Puri at 1115hrs on every Wednesday and will arrive at Habibganj at 1120hrs on the following days between 4th April to 27th June 2018.