12 May 2018

14 Weekly Special Trains between Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and Nagpur

14 Weekly Special Trains between Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and Nagpur on special charges to clear the extra rush of passengers during Summer Season.The details are as under:

02031 Weekly Special will leave Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 23.55 hrs on every Thursday from 17.05.2018 to 28.06.2018 and arrive Nagpur at 13.30 hrs next day.

02032 Weekly Special will leave Nagpur at 15.00 hrs every Friday from 18.05.2018 to 29.06.2018 and arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 05.10 hrs next day.

Halts:Dadar, Kalyan, Igatpuri, Nasik Road, Jalgaon, Bhusaval, Malkapur, Shegaon, Akola, Badnera, Dhamangaon, Pulgaon and Wardha.

Composition: First AC cum AC 2 Tier, Two AC 3-Tier, 4 Sleeper Class, 3 General second class and 2 General Second class with Brake Van.

Reservation: Bookings for 02031 and 02032 Special trains on special Charges will open on 10.05.2018 at all PRS locations and through website www.irctc.co.in. The general second class coaches of these trains will run as unreserved coaches and bookings will be done through unreserved ticketing system (UTS).