Shravani Mela, South Eastern Railway has decided to run Special trains between Tatanagar-Jasidih-Tatanagar during the period from 27.7.18 to 26.8.18.
08183 Tatanagar-Jasidih Special leaving Tatanagar at 23.45 hrs (Except Tuesday & Friday) will reach Jasidih at 07.20 hrs, the next day. In the return direction, 08184 Jasidih-Tatanagar Special leaving Jasidih at 11.10 hrs (Except Wednesday & Saturday) will arrive Tatanagar at 17.30 hrs, the same day. However the special will also run on 27.7.18 (Friday) from Tatanagar and on 28.7.18 (Saturday) from Jasidih.
The trains will have all unreserved coaches with stoppages at Adityapur, Kandra, Chandil, Barabhum, Purulia, Anara, Joychandipahar, Burnpur, Asansol, Chittaranjan, Vidyasagar and Madhupur
08183 Tatanagar-Jasidih Special leaving Tatanagar at 23.45 hrs (Except Tuesday & Friday) will reach Jasidih at 07.20 hrs, the next day. In the return direction, 08184 Jasidih-Tatanagar Special leaving Jasidih at 11.10 hrs (Except Wednesday & Saturday) will arrive Tatanagar at 17.30 hrs, the same day. However the special will also run on 27.7.18 (Friday) from Tatanagar and on 28.7.18 (Saturday) from Jasidih.
The trains will have all unreserved coaches with stoppages at Adityapur, Kandra, Chandil, Barabhum, Purulia, Anara, Joychandipahar, Burnpur, Asansol, Chittaranjan, Vidyasagar and Madhupur