Traffic blocks are imposed in order to facilitate Ballast Screening works between Uppalvai – Sirnapalli stations on Secunderabad – Mudkhed section during the month of August, 2018. Consequently, the following Trains on the dates mentioned are regulated as detailed below:-
Trains Regulated:
1) Train No.57689 Nizamabad – Kacheguda passenger train will be regulated between Nizamabad– Sirnapalli stations for 1 Hour 26 Minutes from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Mondays and Thursdays) and 45 Minutes will be regulated on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
2) Train No.17063 Manmad – Secunderabad Ajantha Express train will be regulated between Mudkhed– Sirnapalli stations for 1 Hour from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Mondays and Thursdays).
3) Train No.17418 Sainagar Siridi– Tirupati Weekly Express train will be regulated between Mudkhed– Sirnapalli stations for 37 Minutes from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Thursdays).
Trains Regulated:
1) Train No.57689 Nizamabad – Kacheguda passenger train will be regulated between Nizamabad– Sirnapalli stations for 1 Hour 26 Minutes from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Mondays and Thursdays) and 45 Minutes will be regulated on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
2) Train No.17063 Manmad – Secunderabad Ajantha Express train will be regulated between Mudkhed– Sirnapalli stations for 1 Hour from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Mondays and Thursdays).
3) Train No.17418 Sainagar Siridi– Tirupati Weekly Express train will be regulated between Mudkhed– Sirnapalli stations for 37 Minutes from 27th July to 31st August, 2018 on its scheduled dates (Thursdays).