Due to traffic block on Allahabad-Phaphamau and Allahabad-Prayag section the following trains will be temporarily cancelled /diverted/short terminated/short originated/ regulated as under:-
Cancellation of Trains During Block
·The 14125 Allahabad-Mankapur Saryu Express train Journey Commencing on 8,12,18,23, 29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·14126 Mankapur –Allahabad Saryu Express train Journey Commencing on 9,13,19,24 and 30.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54108 Jaunpur-Allahabad Passenger train Journey Commencing on 9,10,13,14,19,20,24,25,30.9.2018 & 7 and 8.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54107 Allahabad- Jaunpur Passenger train Journey Commencing on 8,9,12,13,18,19,23,24, 29.9.2018 & 6 and 7.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14115 Allahabad – Haridwar Express train Journey Commencing on 11.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14116 Haridwar -Allahabad Express train Journey Commencing on 12.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14101/14102 Prayag- Kanpur- Prayag Intercity Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14209/14210Prayag- Lucknow- Prayag Intercity Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 75115/75116 Ghazipur City- Prayag- Ghazipur City DEMU Train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54375/54376 Prayag- Jaunpur- Prayag Passenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54101/54102 Prayag- Kanpur- Prayag Passenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54372/54373Faizabad –Prayag- FaizabadPassenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 15018 Gorakhpur-Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Express train Journey Commencing on 9, 13,19,24.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Varanasi-Manduadih-Allahabad City-Allahabad.
·The 15017Lokmanya Tilak Terminus- GorakhpurExpress train Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Allahabad- Allahabad City- Manduadih- Varanasi.
·The 15159 Chhapra-Durg Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on
09,13,19,24.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Varanasi-Manduadih-Allahabad City-Allahabad.
·The 15160 Durg- Chhapra Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on
08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Allahabad- Allahabad City- Manduadih- Varanasi.
·The 11059 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus- Chhapra Godan Express train Journey Commencing on
08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Jeonathpur-Varanasi-Zafrabad-Shahganj.
·The 11056 Gorakhpur- Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Godan Expresstrain Journey Commencing on 09,19.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Shahganj-Zafrabad-Varanasi-Jeonathpur.
Short Termination/Short Origination/Partial Cancellation of Trains During Block
·The 11107/21107 Gwalior/Khajuraho-Varanasi Bundelkhand Express train Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23&29.09.2018 and 06.10.2018 will be short terminated at Allahabad. Consequently, 11108/21108 Varanasi-Gwalior/Khajuraho Bundelkhand Express Journey Commencing on 09,13, 19,24&30.09.2018 and 07.10.2018 will short originate from Allahabad.
·The 14512 Meerut City- Allahabad Nauchandi Express Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23 &29.09.2018 & 06.10.2018 will beshort terminated at Lucknow. Consequently,the 14511 Allahabad-Meerut City Nauchandi Express Journey Commencing on 09,13,19,24&30.09.2018 & 07.10.2018 will short originate from Lucknow.
·The 14218 Chandigarh-AllahabadUnchahar Express Journey Commencing on 29.09.2018 will beshort terminated at Kanpur. Consequently,the14217 Allahabad – Chandigarh Unchahar Express Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will short originate from Kanpur.
·The 54254/54253Lucknow-Prayag-Lucknow passenger Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will beshort terminated at / short originate from Pratapgarh.
Regulation Of Trains During Block
·The 14125 Allahabad-Mankapur Suryu Express train Journey Commencing on 09,13,19 & 24.09.2018 and 07.10.2018 will depart 60 minutes late from its scheduledtime.
·The 11071 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Varanasi Kamayani Express Journey Commencing on 08,12,18 & 23.09.2018 and 06.10.2018 will be regulated for 150 minutes at Allahabad.
·The 15159 Chhapra-Durg Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will be regulated for 30 minutes enroute.
Cancellation of Trains During Block
·The 14125 Allahabad-Mankapur Saryu Express train Journey Commencing on 8,12,18,23, 29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·14126 Mankapur –Allahabad Saryu Express train Journey Commencing on 9,13,19,24 and 30.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54108 Jaunpur-Allahabad Passenger train Journey Commencing on 9,10,13,14,19,20,24,25,30.9.2018 & 7 and 8.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54107 Allahabad- Jaunpur Passenger train Journey Commencing on 8,9,12,13,18,19,23,24, 29.9.2018 & 6 and 7.10.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14115 Allahabad – Haridwar Express train Journey Commencing on 11.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14116 Haridwar -Allahabad Express train Journey Commencing on 12.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14101/14102 Prayag- Kanpur- Prayag Intercity Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 14209/14210Prayag- Lucknow- Prayag Intercity Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 75115/75116 Ghazipur City- Prayag- Ghazipur City DEMU Train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54375/54376 Prayag- Jaunpur- Prayag Passenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54101/54102 Prayag- Kanpur- Prayag Passenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 54372/54373Faizabad –Prayag- FaizabadPassenger train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will remain cancelled.
·The 15018 Gorakhpur-Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Express train Journey Commencing on 9, 13,19,24.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Varanasi-Manduadih-Allahabad City-Allahabad.
·The 15017Lokmanya Tilak Terminus- GorakhpurExpress train Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Allahabad- Allahabad City- Manduadih- Varanasi.
·The 15159 Chhapra-Durg Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on
09,13,19,24.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Varanasi-Manduadih-Allahabad City-Allahabad.
·The 15160 Durg- Chhapra Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on
08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Allahabad- Allahabad City- Manduadih- Varanasi.
·The 11059 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus- Chhapra Godan Express train Journey Commencing on
08,12,18,23,29.9.2018 & 06.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Jeonathpur-Varanasi-Zafrabad-Shahganj.
·The 11056 Gorakhpur- Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Godan Expresstrain Journey Commencing on 09,19.9.2018 & 07.10.2018 will be diverted to run via Shahganj-Zafrabad-Varanasi-Jeonathpur.
Short Termination/Short Origination/Partial Cancellation of Trains During Block
·The 11107/21107 Gwalior/Khajuraho-Varanasi Bundelkhand Express train Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23&29.09.2018 and 06.10.2018 will be short terminated at Allahabad. Consequently, 11108/21108 Varanasi-Gwalior/Khajuraho Bundelkhand Express Journey Commencing on 09,13, 19,24&30.09.2018 and 07.10.2018 will short originate from Allahabad.
·The 14512 Meerut City- Allahabad Nauchandi Express Journey Commencing on 08,12,18,23 &29.09.2018 & 06.10.2018 will beshort terminated at Lucknow. Consequently,the 14511 Allahabad-Meerut City Nauchandi Express Journey Commencing on 09,13,19,24&30.09.2018 & 07.10.2018 will short originate from Lucknow.
·The 14218 Chandigarh-AllahabadUnchahar Express Journey Commencing on 29.09.2018 will beshort terminated at Kanpur. Consequently,the14217 Allahabad – Chandigarh Unchahar Express Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will short originate from Kanpur.
·The 54254/54253Lucknow-Prayag-Lucknow passenger Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will beshort terminated at / short originate from Pratapgarh.
Regulation Of Trains During Block
·The 14125 Allahabad-Mankapur Suryu Express train Journey Commencing on 09,13,19 & 24.09.2018 and 07.10.2018 will depart 60 minutes late from its scheduledtime.
·The 11071 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Varanasi Kamayani Express Journey Commencing on 08,12,18 & 23.09.2018 and 06.10.2018 will be regulated for 150 minutes at Allahabad.
·The 15159 Chhapra-Durg Sarnath Express train Journey Commencing on 30.09.2018 will be regulated for 30 minutes enroute.