The Minister of Urban Development Shri Kamal Nath in a statement laid on the table of the house today said that as per the Report of the Working Group on Urban Transport for 12th Five Year Plan, metro rail projects can be taken up for financial assistance depending upon population, trip length and peak hour peak direction traffic (PHPDT). As per National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), 2006, Government of India has the following norms of financing including Metro Rail Projects:-
(i) Provide 50% of the cost of preparing comprehensive city transport plans and detailed project reports (for two million plus cities).
(ii) Offer equity participation and/or viability gap funding to the extent of 20% of the capital cost of public transport systems.
(iii) Offer 50% of the cost of project development whenever such projects are sought to be taken up through public-private partnerships.
This policy is applicable to all States and Union Territories and is not State-specific.
The Government of Gujarat had forwarded a proposal in December 2011 for development of metro corridor between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar for a total length of 52 Kms. at a completion cost of Rs. 9,000 crore, with the request to extend Central assistance to the extent of 25% of the total cost of the project. The proposal did not fit into the criteria of funding as per National Urban Transport Policy, 2006. The State Government is yet to submit its final proposal as per Govt. of India norms for funding.