Additional stoppage to the 12031/12032 ,New Delhi-Amritsar- New Delhi Shatabdi & & 12029/12030 New Delhi-Amritsar- New Delhi Swarn Shatabdi Express Trains at Rajpura
The 12031 New Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi & 12029 New Delhi-Amritsar Swarn Shatabdi Express Trains will arrive at Rajpura at 10.20 a.m., while in return direction, the 12032 Amritsar- New Delhi Shatabdi & 12030 Amritsar- New Delhi Swarn Shatabdi Express Train will arrive at Rajpura at 07.59 p.m. with two minutes stoppage in both the directions. The other features like timings, composition, route, stoppages etc. will remain as unchanged.
Augmentation of the 22811/22812 & 22823/22824 New Delhi - Bhubaneshwar- New Delhi Rajdhani Express Trains
The 22811/22812 & 22823/22824 New Delhi - Bhubaneshwar- New Delhi Rajdhani Express Trains will be augmented by one Additional A.C. 3 Tier coach each (total 14 coaches in each train) from 01.05.2013 to 31.05.2013 when departing from Bhubaneshwar and from 02.05.2013 to 01.06.2013 when departing from New Delhi The other features like timings, route, stoppages etc. will remain as unchanged.