10 October 2014

Regulation /Cancellation of Certain Trains due to Line Block on Tirupati-Katpadi Section

Regulation /Cancellation of Certain Trains due to Line Block on Tirupati-Katpadi Section
The line block for Ballast Cleaning works between Mungilipattu and Panapakam stations o­n on Tirupati – Katpadi Section o­n Guntakal Division is extended for a period of 05 days i.e, from 13th to 17thOctober, 2014. As a result, the following Trains will be regulated/cancelled as detailed below:-

I) Trains Regulated from 13thto 17th October, 2014:-

1) Train No. 22616 Coimbatore-Tirupati Express will be regulated for 20 minutes at Panapakam.
2) Train No. 22617 Bangalore-Tirupati Express will be regulated for 10 minutes at Panapakam.

II)Trains Cancelled from 13th to 17thOctober, 2014:-
1. Train No. 57405/57406 Tirupati-Katpadi-Tirupati passenger train is cancelled.
2. Train No. 56888/56887 Katpadi-Tirupati-Katpadi passenger train cancelled.