11 July 2017

Indian Railways Organization for Alternate Fuel (IROAF) sets gold standards by winning Golden Peacock Award for Eco Innovation for the year 2017 for introducing eco friendly and cost saving Dual Fuel 1400 HP Diesel engines on DEMU trains

Indian Railways achieves a major landmark in the field of Eco friendly fuel technologies at Indian Railways Organization for Alternate Fuel (IROAF) which has been awarded the coveted National level “Golden Peacock Award for the Year 2017 for Eco-Innovation” for substitution of fossil fuels (Diesel) by environment friendly CNG in DEMU passenger train services. Use of CNG in Train Sets for passenger transportation has been done for the first time in the world. The CNG based dual fuel 1400 HP engine used in DEMU trains developed by IROAF has successfully substituted diesel fuel with CNG upto 20%. This innovation will reduce emissions considerably by bringing down NOx by 16%, CO2 by 6% and Particulate Matter by 18% besides achieving economy in fuel cost by 8%. So far, 19 Engines of DEMUs have been successfully converted into CNG based dual fuel engines with this technology.

Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has congratulated the members of IROAF over this achievement. He said that the clean fuels are the need of an hour. Indian Railways should strive hard to cut down emission levels.

Golden Peacock Awards, instituted by the Institute Of Directors (IOD), India in 1991, are now regarded as a benchmark of Corporate Excellence worldwide. Golden Peacock awards have become a hallmark of excellence, both locally & globally. Based on internationally recognised criteria, the credibility of these awards lies in the transparency depth & impartiality of the assessment process.

Present technology of 20% substitution of diesel by CNG, has potential to save upto Rs. 1360 crores annually if implemented over entire fleet of Diesel Locomotives of Indian Railways. An improved technology of 40% substitution is at present being developed by IROAF. This will enhance the potential of saving of fuel cost of IR to about Rs. 3400 crore per annum. The environmental benefits will also double with this improved approach, if successful.
IROAF is a unique organization in the Government space which was established by Ministry of Railways to explore new environment friendly fuels/ renewable energy and eco- friendly technologies like substitution of diesel with CNG/LNG in train sets, replacing acetylene/LPG by CNG/LNG for metal cutting in Railway Workshops, proliferating and promoting use of Bio-Diesel in Railway Locomotives, roof top solar generation systems in Railway Workshops, use of solar energy on roof top of passenger and freight trains, setting up of waste to energy plants for converting Bio-Waste into Bio gas/electrical energy, Hydrogen based fuel cell technologies, Geo-Thermal Technologies and converting waste/bio mass to fuel. The organization is a premier single window agency of Indian Railways to work as a knowledge base and explore and prove out new fuels and technologies for Indian Railways with a view to being down Indian Railways fuel bill and at the same time achieve a shift towards greener fuels / renewable energy sources for a sustainable future.