27 September 2017


A fake Employment Notice with No. 01/2017 is in circulation through Whatsapp/Social network that Railways has invited applications for filling up the posts of RPF Constables. The fake employment notice consists of 7 pages regarding the purported recruitment for 19952 posts of RPF constables with details of Eligibility criteria, Method of Recruitment , Nodal officers (CSCs) etc.The last date for receipt of application forms is given as 14th October, 2017.

In this regard it is to clarify that the notification found under circulation is fake and not issued by Security Directorate, Railway Board or any of the Chief Security Commissioners of Zonal Railways mentioned therein.Public are hereby cautioned not to respond to such false notifications that are purely intended to misguide and trap innocent people.Public are also advised not to circulate the said messages.South Western Railway categorically confirms that all recruitments in Railways for Group-C & Group-D posts are done either through Railway Recruitment Board or Railway Recruitment Cell only.