13 October 2017

LHB coaches for Train No.12793/12794 Tirupati – Nizamabad - Tirupati Rayalaseema Express, w.e.f 01st November,2017

induction of LHB coaches for  Train No.12793/12794 Tirupati – Nizamabad - Tirupati Rayalaseema Express, the coach composition of Train No. 12793/12794 Rayalaseema Express will be revised as detailed below:-

1)      The revised coach composition of Train No.12793 Tirupati – Nizamabad  Rayalaseema Express  will consist of  Two AC II Tier, Two AC III Tier, Seven Sleeper Class, Five  General Second Class and two  Luggage Brake cum Generator  coaches with effect from 01stNovember,2017.

2)    The revised coach composition of Train No.12794 Nizamabad – Tirupati    Rayalaseema Express  will consist of  Two AC II Tier, Two AC III Tier, Seven Sleeper Class, Five  General Second Class and two  Luggage Brake cum Generator  coaches with effect from 02nd  November,2017.