Signalling - A work for modernization of signalling system at a total cost of 44 million Euros on Ghaziabad-Kanpur section of North Central Railway was undertaken through funding from KFW (Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau) Bank, Germany.
Electric Locomotives - A procurement cum Maintenance Agreement(PCMA) has been signed with Madhepura Electric Locomotive Private Limited (MELPL), a Joint Venture Company of Alstom Manufacturing India Limited and Ministry of Railways(26% equity limited to `100 crore), for setting up of electric locomotive manufacturing facility at Madhepura, Bihar for manufacturing/supplying 800 High Horse Power, State of the art, Electric Locomotives of 12000 hp capacity. The Company will set up two maintenance depots at Saharanpur & Nagpur and undertake maintenance of first 250 locomotives each over first 13 years and the next 250 locomotives for a period of four years. Total project cost is `1300 crore.
Diesel Locomotives - A procurement cum Maintenance Agreement has been signed with M/s. General Electric Global Servicing India Pvt. Ltd. on 09.11.2015 for procurement of new generation diesel locomotives of 4500 HP and 6000 HP. Initially 100 diesel locomotives will be imported and subsequently they will be manufactured in India at Diesel Loco Factory, Marhorwa. The anticipated project cost is `1300 crore.
The Foreign investment details are as under:-
(in million euro)
Electric Loco
Diesel Locomotive
Other Rolling Stock (Rs. in Crore)
4.17 million euro
Rs. 10,771
0.46 million euro
Rs. 0.99 crore
Rs. 14,000
0.62 million euro
Rs. 150 crore
Rs. 154.79 crore
Rs. 14,281
5.25 million euro = Rs. 40 crore
Rs. 150 crore
Rs. 155.78crore
Rs. 39,052
JV with Alstom
JV with GE Global Sourcing India Pvt Ltd.
Signalling - The following Signalling and Telecommunication upgradation works are covered under the scope of the work :-
i) Electronic Interlocking system - 47 stations
ii) Automatic Signaling System - 410 Rkm
iii) Interlocking of Level Crossing gates - 143 Nos
iv) Centralised Traffic Control - 44 stations
v) Mobile Train Radio Communication - 755 Rkm
Electric and Diesel Locomotives - These modern locomotives would be used for improving the operation of freight trains over Indian Railways.